The Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) is a proud sponsor of the REIMAGINE Virtual Events, celebrating our diverse and welcoming Queensland!


QPASTT is a community based service providing counselling and support services to refugee and humanitarian entrants.

QPASTT provides counselling and support for refugee survivors of torture and trauma at an individual, family and community level.

We put a strong emphasis on community engagement through running psycho-educational groups, outreach to regional areas, and outreach to schools, participation in refugee community events and the initiation of community development activities that aid in community healing and recovery from the experience of torture and trauma.

QPASTT works with children, young people and adults.

We work within a strong recovery framework and seek to address the multiple issues of loss that typifies the experience of becoming a refugee and the added issues of psychological recovery from trauma.

Our vision is for people from refugee backgrounds to live lives liberated from the harms of torture, trauma and human rights injustice.

To find out more about our program and support us, please visit our website.

Qpastt Logo