Our Get Prepared program is a multi-agency initiative to create pathways for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in public safety. Program participants get a better understanding of the Queensland Corrective Services, Queensland Police Service and the Australian Federal Police, and assistance with entry requirements to apply for relevant opportunities. Outcomes of the program:
  • Assistance with resume writing, interview skills and fitness requirements
  • Improved understanding of the role of public safety agencies in Australian society
  • Confidence to apply for interested career opportunities
Participants are required to be professional, display a positive attitude and be available to attend sessions two days per week for seven weeks starting 15 April 2024. Applications close 5 March 2024. Email welcomeworkforvce@mcaus.org.au for more information or click here to apply online.  

We who have come from many places acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land which always was and always will be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island land. We pay our respects to their Elders throughout all time. We walk together in solidarity of the pain of the past and the shared hope for the future.

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